Hello world!


As a successful internet marketing entrepreneur and an enrolled student of ClickBank University,  I want to share with you my experience and training from ClickBank University.  Consider me your ClickBank University tutor. At a fraction of the cost of tuition.

I will be sharing some ClickBank University concepts for those either looking to start internet marketing or for those of you who are familiar with online marketing but are not enrolled in the course.  Quarta77.com is your Coles notes of ClickBank University.  I have prepared some notes in each class and as a tutor role will assist you in creating high quality products.

ClickBank University reviews are saying that its worth the money.  Just how much is it? Its $97 dollars per month.  Not bad.  However,  I can understand there could be some resistance at that price point.   There are a few reasons why I’ve decided to offer my notes and personalized service.  I can understand that $97 is pretty expensive for newbies who haven’t quite made that decision to get started in internet marketing. By offering tutoring for a fraction of the price,  I can and will help people at least get started and the plan is to take them along on a successful journey.  Or perhaps folks who have started in internet marketing but need to save themselves time and effort.  Thats what Quarta77.com is.  I’ll save you time and effort with my tutoring.  Theres no sense researching all this yourself all over the internet.

At ClickBank University, they teach that you should create a product about something you’re passionate about.  I am passionate about helping others.  Working with them, collaborating with them so that we both win.  In ClickBank University, they teach you how to create high quality products and that is exactly my goal.


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